
H2O beautifully simple

Does drinking water contribute to health and fitness? Absolutely. Staying hydrated is important for feeling energized and concentrated. Our bodies are on average 60% water and maintaining a water balance is absolutely vital for our health and survival. Opting for plain water rather than sugary drinks also contributes to overall fitness as it hydrates the body and mind without unnecessary calories.…

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Site Inspections

Learn about the new Building Safety Regulator (BSR)

What is the new Building Safety Regulator (BSR)? The Building Safety Act names HSE as the new Building Safety Regulator in England. BSR will have 3 main functions: overseeing the safety and standards of all buildingshelping and encouraging the built environment industry and building control professionals to improve their competenceleading implementation of the new regulatory framework for high-rise buildings BSR will regulate high-rise buildings.…

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Complisafe are now a SSIP Verified Supplier

What Can a Verified Supplier Do For You? Clients that want to maintain compliance across their supply chain rely on verification systems to assess the credentials and qualifications of potential suppliers, this includes Health and Safety Consultants. By using Complisafe, who are a Verified Supplier, this will confirm your commitment to best industry practices and safe processes, helping you build stronger relationships with clients and generate more business.…

Complisafe are now a SSIP Verified Supplier Read More »

Telescopic ladders, are they safe?

By Nick Warburton IOSH Magazine A product surveillance study of telescopic leaning ladders sold online and in-store has found that 80% of the work at height equipment tested failed the required safety tests designed to keep users safe. The Ladder Association report, which has been produced in partnership with the East of England Trading Standards Association (EETSA) and Suffolk Trading Standards Imports Team, also reveals that more than half of the failed ladders were certified and sold as ‘compliant’ to standards such as CE marking. …

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New advice from the HSE…employers must carry out an individual risk assessment for new mothers and pregnant workers

The HSE’s advice has changed and you must carry out an individual risk assessment for new mothers and pregnant workers There will be little practical change as you must already consider risks to women of childbearing age in your general risk assessment. The difference is that you must also carry out an individual risk assessment that covers a worker’s specific needs when they inform you in writing that they: are pregnanthave given birth in the last 6 months, orare breastfeeding The updated webpages provide advice on talking to workers, and protecting them from common risks like working at height and lifting heavy loads.…

New advice from the HSE…employers must carry out an individual risk assessment for new mothers and pregnant workers Read More »

Complisafe - Targeting Health & Safety

Competent advice at a sensible annual cost…Health, Safety, Fire, CDM and more.

Are you reviewing your current Health and Safety Consultancy? If you are reviewing the support you are getting from your Health and Safety Consultancy and want to be efficient with your budget then please get in touch. It does not need to be as expensive as you may think once the organisation providing you with the support (hopefully Complisafe) gets to know you and your business.…

Competent advice at a sensible annual cost…Health, Safety, Fire, CDM and more. Read More »

Ventilation at work

Practical ways to improve your ventilation include: increasing natural ventilation by opening doors, windows and ventsensuring that mechanical systems which recirculate air, including air-conditioning systems, have been designed with fresh air inlets and that they are kept open to avoid the air becoming unhealthy You may need a combination of natural and mechanical ventilation.…

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Mask with ear loops

Ear loop respirators/masks do not provide protection as tight fitting RPE

Issue New HSE research has revealed that respirators/masks which rely on ear loops (including those provided with clips, ‘snuggers’ or other means of tightening the fit of the mask) to hold the respirator/mask in place, do not protect people adequately when used as tight fitting respiratory protective equipment (RPE). Outline of the problem HSE has seen an increase in the variety of ear loop respirators/masks, which indicate they offer the protection provided by FFP2 (filtering facepiece respirators or disposable half mask respirators).…

Ear loop respirators/masks do not provide protection as tight fitting RPE Read More »

home office desk

How liable are employers for homeworker accidents?

After a German man who fell down the stairs on the ‘commute’ to his home office was allowed to claim insurance, Louise Bland, partner in the corporate claims team at Eversheds Sutherland, asks what this means for UK employers’ duty of care to their workforce. ‘A man’s home is his castle’ – and sometimes, it seems, it is his federally approved place of work too.…

How liable are employers for homeworker accidents? Read More »

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