Case Study

home office desk

Investigating the impact of behaviour change techniques on break taking at work

IntroductionMusculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) remain a major health problem, with insufficientpostural change at work implicated in their prevalence. Self-report data suggest thatoffice workers sit for long periods without getting up1.The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) outlines a number of factors thought toimpact on intention to behave in a certain way, highlighting (though not addressing) agap between intention and behaviour.…

Investigating the impact of behaviour change techniques on break taking at work Read More »

motor vehicle repair safety

Sole trader jailed after man crushed under van at Bootle garage

4th August 2023 The partner of a man who got stuck and crushed under a vehicle at a motor repair company and later died has spoken of her struggles coping with her loss. Kenneth (Kenny) McCord, 56, died following an incident on 16 July 2020 at JJ Tyres & Recovery based in Bootle, Merseyside.…

Sole trader jailed after man crushed under van at Bootle garage Read More »

School fined £35,000 after child severely burned at carol concert

A London primary school has been fined £35,000 after a child received 45 per cent burns to their body at a carol concert. The school was found guilty after a trial following an incident at a church on 11 December 2019. During the carol concert, 60 Year 3 children from the school were waiting in costume, in a narrow corridor, holding 10-inch lit taper candles.…

School fined £35,000 after child severely burned at carol concert Read More »