Health & Safety

Legislation – a small selection of key Health and Safety legislation and how we can help with compliance…

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is a key piece of legislation in the United Kingdom that sets out the fundamental principles and framework for health and safety regulation in the workplace. It places a legal duty on employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of their employees, as well as others who may be affected by their work activities, such as visitors and members of the public.…

Legislation – a small selection of key Health and Safety legislation and how we can help with compliance… Read More »

Lorry loaders crush risk from powered tilting stabilisers

Health and Safety Executive – Safety notice Department name: Engagement and Policy Division (EPD)Bulletin number: EPD04-2023Issue date: 12/23Target audience: Lorry loader operators, owners and hirers, service and repairers, installers, manufacturers, Appointed Persons and sites receiving lorry loaders.  Issue On some lorry loaders with powered ‘tilting’ (also known as ‘swing-up’ or ‘rotating’) stabilisers people can be crushed against the bodywork of the vehicle when the stabilisers are being retracted.…

Lorry loaders crush risk from powered tilting stabilisers Read More »

Start the New Year by getting Health and Safety right…

At Complisafe, we often get lots of calls in January regarding Health and Safety Services such as training, risk assessments, audits and inspections from companies wanting to get off to a good start for the arrival of the new year. This is good news and can really benefit everyone within a business if the right approach is taken.…

Start the New Year by getting Health and Safety right… Read More »


On 12 April 2021, Ben Spencer was only two weeks into his job at Sunrise Poultry Farms – his first proper job since leaving school – when he was fatally crushed between an HGV and a wall. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Inspector Alex Nayar, who investigated this extremely sad case, explained how such a tragedy could occur.…


Workplace Risk Assessment

HSE publishes annual work-related ill health and injury statistics for 2022/23

Key figures for Great Britain (2022/23) 1.8 million working people suffering from a work-related illness, of which 875,000 workers suffering work-related stress, depression or anxiety 473,000 workers suffering from a work-related musculoskeletal disorder 2,268 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2021) 135 workers killed in work-related accidents 561,000 working people sustained an injury at work according to the Labour Force Survey 60,645 injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR 35.2 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury £20.7 billion estimated cost of injuries and ill health from current working conditions (2021/22) Nearly two million workers in Great Britain reported suffering from work-related ill health in 2022/23.…

HSE publishes annual work-related ill health and injury statistics for 2022/23 Read More »

Health and Safety E-Learning: The Benefits of Online training

E-learning provides employees with the opportunity to learn at their own pace, and at a time and place that is convenient for them. This means that they can fit their training around their work and personal commitments, reducing the impact on their productivity.

Health and Safety E-Learning: The Benefits of Online training Read More »

HSE has been made aware of a potential issue regarding the testing of boots to an American Standard; ASTM F2412-18A.  

The ASTM Standard contains a single test procedure representative of a very restricted working environment. In many cases, these limitations have not been made clear on the packaging or the product instructions.

HSE has been made aware of a potential issue regarding the testing of boots to an American Standard; ASTM F2412-18A.   Read More »

Only 1 in 3 Cancer Sufferers Satisfied with Employer Support

Just a third of workers who have had cancer feel satisfied that their employer made ‘reasonable adjustments’ to their job to help them manage their long-term health condition, new research has revealed. The Opinium Research study, undertaken for back-to-work rehabilitation specialist Working To Wellbeing, found that only 36% of respondents were satisfied with the adjustments made. …

Only 1 in 3 Cancer Sufferers Satisfied with Employer Support Read More »

Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022

Purpose of this fact sheet This fact sheet is not guidance and should not be read as such. It is intended to provide information about the regulations to residents and other interested parties. Alongside this overarching factsheet, individual factsheets cover each of the specific areas covered by the regulations. What the government say they have done… “We introduced regulations under article 24 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (Fire Safety Order) to implement the majority of those recommendations made to government in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 report which required a change in the law.”…

Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 Read More »

home office desk

Investigating the impact of behaviour change techniques on break taking at work

IntroductionMusculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) remain a major health problem, with insufficientpostural change at work implicated in their prevalence. Self-report data suggest thatoffice workers sit for long periods without getting up1.The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) outlines a number of factors thought toimpact on intention to behave in a certain way, highlighting (though not addressing) agap between intention and behaviour.…

Investigating the impact of behaviour change techniques on break taking at work Read More »