Often not considered as being worthwhile by some consultants but being on the government register means something in terms of skills, knowledge, experience and overall competency.
What is the OSHCR?
The Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR) was established in response to the Government’s Common Sense, Common Safety report, which recommended that all Health and Safety consultants should be accredited to a professional body and that a register of certified professionals be established in the form of a web-based directory. The register aims to assist businesses in finding advice on general health and safety management.
A network of professional bodies and stakeholders worked together in partnership to develop this register, which has established a benchmark standard for safety consultants and helped to raise the quality of advice being given to businesses.
This minimum standard has been set at a degree level qualification, with at least two years experience and active engagement in a continuing professional development scheme.
Businesses can have confidence in choosing a health and safety consultant from the register, as they are bound by their professional body’s code of conduct and are committed to providing sensible and proportionate health and safety advice.
The aim of this register is to help businesses find advice on managing their general health and safety risks. The register is only open to those health and safety consultants who have met certain standards within their professional bodies.
This guarantees that your consultant:
- holds Chartered (or equivalent) status with their main professional body;
- is committed to continuing professional development;
- abides by their professional body’s code of conduct;
- will provide sensible and proportionate advice; and
- has professional indemnity insurance or equivalent to cover the nature of their duties.
Just having qualifications and experience is not the whole package, it’s important to be able to listen and engage, to be able to work at all levels, to encourage, mentor and coach to ensure Health and Safety actually works and is not just talked about.
Complisafe is registered with OSHCR
Please make sure you check that the consultancy you engage with and the consultants working with you have the correct levels of competency, qualifications, experience and are registered. Please get in contact with Complisafe Health and Safety Consultants London to discuss if we can help.