A Fire Risk Assessment is a careful look at your premises and the people who use them, from a fire prevention perspective. It’s about understanding the potential risks, then improving your fire safety precautions to keep people safe.
Why do you need it?
A Fire Risk Assessment is a legal requirement. If you are responsible for a building, for example an employer, owner or occupier of premises that aren’t a ‘single private dwelling’ (a private home), you need to make sure a suitably competent person completes a Fire Risk Assessment. It is your duty to identify fire risks and hazards in your premises and take appropriate action.
In addition, if five or more people work at your premises or your business has a licence under enactment in force, you’ll need your fire risk assessment to be a written record. Make sure you review your risk assessment regularly and whenever significant changes have been made that would have an impact on it. It’s good business sense as well as a legal requirement. Often businesses don’t recover after a fire, and effective fire prevention starts with properly understanding the risks.
Insurers expect it, landlords ask for it, the fire brigade will want to see it and in the event of a fire it can help you show that you have complied with fire legislation.

How do we deliver it?
Our Fire Risk Assessors, who are properly trained and competent (Institute of Fire Engineers Fire Risk Assessors) will follow PAS79 methodology to conduct the fire risk assessment by undertaking a comprehensive non-destructive tour of the premises, observing the activities taking place, the equipment in use, how its checked, inspected and maintained as well as training, compartmentation, fire alarms, systems and management of fire risk from a life safety prospective. We will need a representative to help show us around and provide access to all areas as well as answer some questions about how fire safety is managed. A professionally written fire risk assessment is then produced that includes a clear action plan where required.
Complisafe Fire Risk Assessors have many years of experience in a large variety of premises. We have completed assessments in schools, care homes, retail stores, factories, warehouses, offices, churches, bars and restaurants, studios, beauty parlours, construction sites, museums, communal areas of residential properties and waste transfer and recycling centres.
The Fire Risk Assessment report is provided to you in PDF format with the following structure and content:
- Introduction on how the assessment will be conducted
- Regulatory Requirements
- The premises
- Occupants
- Fire Loss Experience
- Other relevant legislation
- Fire Hazards and their elimination or control
- Fire Protection Measures
- Management of Fire Safety
- Risk Evaluation
- Action Plan

We provide free of charge with every fire risk assessment a fire warden template…

Each fire risk assessment also comes with an adaptable fire awareness training template to help you deliver this training to all of your employees…

To help prepare for your fire risk assessment here is a list of items/evidence/records we may need to see when we attend:
Fire Procedures and arrangements | Fixed Wiring Certification | PA testing | HVAC Servicing and Maintenance | Gas Safety Records | Fire Alarm Servicing | Fire Extinguisher Servicing | Emergency Lighting Testing and Maintenance | Fire Safety Signage | Fire Log Book | Lightening Protection | Compartmentation Certification | Fire Suppression System Information | Fire Warden Training | Fire Awareness Training | FEEPs and PEEPs | Smoke Vents | Fire Drills | Sprinkler Systems | Dangerous Substances Assessments | Contractor Management | Induction records